Contra Costa Times Expands RSS Feeds

On July 11 I emailed Ari Soglin, the CCTimes’ new Editor for online news and citizen media, telling him how much I would like to read the Ledger, Brentwood News or other editions to keep up with other areas in the county – but their website didn’t provide those RSS feeds.  He replied quickly that he didn’t know why but he’d look in to it.

Today- Ari wrote me again to point me to the new and expanded RSS feeds for the Contra Costa Times. 

Not only are the other editions available but so are the opinion sections – like editorials and letters to the editors.  Excellent!

Thank you, Ari. 

Contra Costa Times Adds RSS Feeds

Xml_1 Browsing the Contra Costa Times website tonight I found little orange boxes with XML on the title line of several sections.  Hurray!  RSS feeds.  First, Times editor Chris Lopez starts a blog and now actual RSS feeds.  Hopefully the Times will make RSS feeds for the other local editions available.  It would make it much easier to follow happenings in Brentwood or Livermore…

Contra Costa Times Editor to Blog

Contra Costa Times editor Chris Lopez writes in today’s paper – After Deadline -that he’s started a weblog to:

"…provide a window into the editor’s office of this newspaper and some insight into the thinking that leads to our front page and how the newspaper as a whole works."

He also reports that others at the Times have been and will be writing other blogs in the future.  I also commend him for admitting that traditional newspapers are concerned about changes in the way people get their information.  However, the Times is falling way behind – especially in an era when most the of stories I read in the Times I can find in other more accessible sources.

For example, I read the New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle through my RSS reader – NewsGator.  I can’t read the Contra Costa Times that way because they don’t provide a RSS feed.  For a while I found a tool that let me "scrape" certain sections of the CCT site, but now that’s just too much work.  [For the record I also subcribe to the paper version of the CCT].  The Times and the rest of the Knight-Ridder papers need to get on the RSS bandwagon.

For those of you who do use a RSS reader – I’ve figured out how to get the feed to this new information source – add this URL to your reader: